Hardware componenets in Digital Graphics
A mouse is one of the most important piece of pc and a necessary thing to be
used in digital graphics. Better technology mouse's are USB and wireless so
you can move it across the room.
Mouse is used to manipulate images, size, shape, Colour, turn the angle of it, adding new things into It and deleting the pieces of it. It great help in Digital Graphics.
A monitor also known as screen is where you see all you view come out once
you open selected file, without screen you can’t work anything that is related to
digital Graphics. You images comes out on screen and you can look
and decide, does the image looks bad or good, is there something you should
add or remove. Usually higher price monitors have better definition and
quality of view than cheaper ones as well as larger screen, either 1600x900 or 1920x1080, necessary Thing in digital graphics.
Graphics Tablet
Graphics Tablet is mini board where you can draw using special pen and it will
appear on the screen, this is comfortable if you get use to it and know how it
works. You can manipulate images same way as using a mouse just that this is more
Digital camera
Digital camera is a device that you take photos and upload into Pc, then you can change them in any way you want. Higher prices cameras always have better quality and resolution. Cameras are essential part in digital graphics as you can make images yourself and then upload them into pc or hard disk.
Scanner is a device where you can copy the image into your pc and then manipulate and print. Higher price scanners have always good quality and are more used than cheaper scanners, they also usually last longer as they are made out of better materials.
Flash card
Flash cards are small memory cards than can be inputted into a pc but are used for phones. You can impute the image into pc, chance it anyway you want and put back into flash card again. For digital graphics, the flash cards are useful because you can photo images or film videos with high quality and put in on pc then manipulate it.
USB devices
USB devices are another type of hard disk just that it is far smaller and comfortable to use, it can fit easily in a pocket pocket. The memory one USB sticks can be from 1gigabyte to as much as 32 or more. USB devices are cheap, for digital graphics USB is useful as it can be the mini hard disk, you can store vast amount of high quality images and a lot of videos and put them in any other PC.
Printers give out the images, photos and sheets on paper, the higher quality printer is the better definition images and photos will come out from printer. In digital graphics, it is very useful to have best printer you can afford because the quality of images bring printer depends on printer. Printers are connected to Pc.
Fire Wire devices
Very fast memory transferred devices, uses USB technology and can be connected with many computers. For digital graphics, you can transfer large amount of information (images and videos) very quickly between Pc’s that are connected through fire wire.
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